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FPV F6 Typhoon A true performance car with 270Kw of power from the 4.0lt turbo charged engine with a six speed auto transmission. This is the 192000 kilometer auto is a true collectors item. It comes with 2 months registration. a few minor wear on the driver seat and center console. This car is priced right and cash is king. Please no time waster only serious ford people. A legacy vehicle. Comes with road worthy and 6 month rego I want it sold.

Seller Details

David Lovci Maribyrnong, VIC +61416082019

Additional Info

Last Updated: 18th Oct 2023

Views: 142

Registration: 1EE6AR

VIN: JGSW6U95719

Make sure you do a PPSR check and a Free Rego Check on this vehicle.