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Yes we are open. Shop online or over the phone and get free delivery in Sydney Region. Competitive transport prices for the rest of Australia. ALL cars are cleaned and disinfected prior to delivery. Give us a call for more details. Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 CDI MWB High Roof, Dual air conditioning, power sliding door and step, windows all round, fully lined, suitable for disabled transport, electric wheel chair hoist, seating for 6. Measurments include 3.3m bed length, 1.9m aperture height, 1.6m aperture width. One owner ex area health, perfect history, reverse camera and reverse sensors. An immaculate, well maintained example. Would make a perfect camper conversion. See for more details. Call and make your enquiry today! Trade-ins are welcome. Speak to our finance department about our great finance offers. The best in the North West! Only 30 minutes from the Harbour Bridge!

Seller Details

PH AUTO & RAPTOR 2020 UPGRADES Thornleigh, NSW 02 9479 9555

Additional Info

Last Updated: 6th Jul 2020

Views: 331

Registration: CDU02Y

VIN: WDB9066332S612202

Make sure you do a PPSR check and a Free Rego Check on this vehicle.